Leadership relating to learning
Since people are children always they listen about leadership, a person who is leader and others connotations that everybody has learnt during the passing of their life.
One can know these concepts in the majority of activities that one does for instance in a group of friends, at school, at university, at work even at family.
Nevertheless, ¿Actually some of people who use these kinds of words understand what these words meaning?
At present society these kinds of words are frequently use them, perhaps because people are living the globalization boom where the competitive advantage is the most important and to achieve this goal people in all aspects should be a leader both personally and professionally.
For the majority of companies a person who is leader is the person who has many skills such as innovation, creative, he or she has the ability to guide a group of people and he or she is able to influence people in order to achieve previous goals.
The word leaderships has many connotations depending on the point of view that one can see, for example in a group of friend a person who is leader is which one who is friendly, moreover he or she characterizes by be a positive, charismatic person.
Withing a company or at school a leader is who has structure ideas, knows the procedures, attains goals, makes a excellent decisions always looking for social welfare, effective and suitable performance of activities and tasks.
A person who is not a leader in one aspect can be achieve it in other aspect of his or her life, it is possible always taking account that a leader should be honest, modest, and able to manage a group toward right way.
Even thought unfortunately lately leadership has taken different associations, nowadays this idea is related to the level of power that a person can have, or the amount of money that one can have or material things.
For some people a person is leader when he or she afford to buy whatever they want even feelings.
By the contrast that leadership meanings, this word or characteristic is related to authority, knowledge and integrity.
Finally and taking the most outstanding facts leadership can be gained during the peoples life, supported by knowledge, skills, characteristics and moral values that a person has.
In spite of this concept has taken other connotation it is important that people focus on developing and getting stronger the leadership ability.
Information taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leadership
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